New Florida Laws in 2019: Minimum Wage Increase
As of January 2019, Florida’s current minimum wage of $8.25 per hour will be raised by 2.5 percent to $8.46. Florida’s minimum wage rates are not set by a new law each year, that would be difficult to accomplish. Instead, the Florida Minimum Wage Act (FL Stat. 448.110) gives authority to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) to set the new rates each year based on the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, not seasonally adjusted, for the South Region.

Introducing CERV LAW, PLLC – A Note from Chris Cervellera
I’m proud to announce the launch of my law firm, CERV LAW, PLLC in St. Petersburg. Through this firm, I will serve entrepreneurs, small businesses, individuals and professionals in St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay, and throughout Florida. By leveraging my legal skills and training, years of business and leadership experience, and commitment to creativity & innovation, I hope to transform the way legal services are offered to entrepreneurs, small businesses, and professionals. I’m also passionate about utilizing my legal skills to provide pro bono legal services in my local community. Learn more about my areas of focus.
What is “CERV”?
Well, “CERV” is a shortened version of my last name, the first four letters to be exact. During law school, a few of my friends started calling me “Cerv” (probably because they were too scared to pronounce my last name). Since then, the name has stuck. Each letter in CERV stands for a quality that defines my commitment to my clients through this firm.
Learn more about the “CERV” Commitment.
I’m Thankful…
This week is Thanksgiving. That makes it even more fitting for me to express my deepest thanks and gratitude to a number of people and organizations that helped make this possible. (Warning: The list is long, if this were a speech at an awards ceremony the music would probably cut me off.)
Family & Friends: I’d like to thank my family and friends who have supported and encouraged me throughout the establishment of my firm these past few months, and also throughout law school and the bar exam. My success is truly shared with you. I am humbled by your support and thankful to have all of you in my life.
Stetson University College of Law: I’d like to thank my classmates in the part-time program and my professors at Stetson Law. It feels weird saying this, especially publicly, but I actually miss law school. Specifically, I’d like to thank Chris Covell, Glenn Bukowski, and Steve Gower for being too scared (or too lazy) to say my last name and for giving me the nickname “CERV” (BTW… you have no rights in the name).
My TAG Alliances Team & Community: I’d like to thank Richard Attisha and Melisa Attisha, my employers, for allowing me to create this venture while maintaining my role as Executive Director at TAG Alliances (I’m not going anywhere). I appreciate your confidence and trust in me. Additionally, I’d like to thank the hundreds of lawyers, accountants, and advisors in TAG Alliances who I count as friends and mentors. I’d also like to thank Peter Appleton Jones and Anne Appleton Jones–words can’t express how thankful I am to you and your family.
A Few Mentors: I’d like to thank my longtime mentor Bob Sattin for his honest and trusted advice. Also, I’ve recently had the opportunity to connect with a number of local lawyers in St. Petersburg. Specifically, I’d like to thank Douglas Jackson. Doug is a fellow solo attorney and he has been more than valuable throughout this process in sharing his own experiences. I’d also like to thank my former professor and local St. Petersburg attorney, James Martin. It was actually Jim’s idea for me to start my own firm while Doug pushed me over the edge.
The Garrs: My sister and brother-in-law, Megan and Andrew Garr, are amazing cinematographers and photographers through their business, The Garrs. They are so amazing that they even made my mug look halfway decent in my professional photos haha.
The Florida Bar’s Practice Resources Institute “LegalFuel”: The leadership, both current and former, of the Florida Bar should be commended for putting together their Practice Resource Institute, now called LegalFuel. It is a comprehensive and invaluable resource for any lawyer in Florida who is looking to establish a firm.
The St. Petersburg Bar Association: Recently, I’ve attended a few events organized by the St. Petersburg Bar Association. In addition to the quality of the professionals, I’ve been impressed with the openness and welcoming spirit of the group. I look forward to getting more involved in this local community of peers.
Regions Bank: Since 2004, Regions has been where I have conducted my personal and business banking (back when they were still AmSouth!). I’d like to thank my local banker in St. Petersburg, Bruce Andrulis, for his positivity and his help with this venture along with my other personal & business banking needs. IMHO, Bruce is the best banker in St. Petersburg.
Thanks to everyone above and those who I didn’t mention. I look forward to making you proud through CERV LAW, PLLC. Please contact me if I can be of assistance to you, your family, your friends, or anyone in your professional circle.
–Chris Cervellera